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Jessica Chu - VP Admin

Program: Honours Life Sciences III

What are your roles/duties in the club?

My role is to keep the team on track by hosting meetings and keeping our documentation up to date.

Why did you join this initiative?

In today's society where we highly depend on technology as a major source of communication, such as social media, it is difficult for seniors to feel like a member of the community. Penpals for Seniors allows the youth community to go back to the times before the advent of modern technology and communicate with the seniors using letters. I believe that this is a wonderful opportunity for both youth and seniors to connect, especially during stressful and lonely times of the pandemic. Taking a step back from the digital world, we can experience the beauty of handwriting and the smell of a fresh piece of paper.

Why don't you join us and learn the tingling feeling of opening the mailbox?

What is a fun fact about you?

I went 10m cliff diving when I was 10 without even knowing how it's done! *Thankfully, I am still alive :)*

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